Please review the list of frequently asked questions below

If your question hasn't been addressed, please contact your manager or post on the slack channel for additional information.

Who should attend the meeting?

All Field Sales employees are the primary audience for this meeting. Additional team members have been identified by leadership to join as well. All attendees are expected to adhere to ReversingLabs Corporate Standards during business meetings and evening functions.

Can I bring a guest?

No. Spouses and/or guests are not invited to any Sales Kickoff functions. Sales Kickoff 2024 is a business event and an opportunity for you to explore, learn, and network.

Do I need to stay at the host hotel?

Yes. Attendees are expected to stay at The Hilton West Palm Beach for the length of the program. Your attendance is mandatory at all published Sales Kickoff functions.

Can I extend my trip to Florida by arriving early/departing late?

We are not able to accommodate hotel reservation arriving before the event start date, or leaving after the end date. Please work with your leadership if you plan to extend your stay in Florida, and note you will be responsible for booking that travel separately.

What is the weather forecast?

Click here for the 10 day forecast for West Palm Beach, FL.

What is the attire for the conference?

Business casual attire is acceptable for this Sales Kickoff 2024 event. We suggest bringing a jacket as the conference spaces can be chilly. 

How do I make changes to my registration?

If you need to make changes after submitting your registration, please contact Brittany.Cannon@reversinglabs.com. We will review your request and do our best to accommodate based on the timeline it is submitted in. 

What expenses are covered by ReversingLabs?

Your airfare into and out of Florida will be charged to your personal credit card, please submit for reimbursement ASAP. Charges from Lodging, Room, and Tax at the Hilton West Palm Beach will be routed to the ReversingLabs master account, and you will not be billed directly for these costs. You will be required to provide a credit card to the hotel upon check-in for any incidental expenses. See the Expense page for more details. 

When will I receive confirmation on my hotel accommodations?

A hotel confirmation email will be sent to you prior to February 9, which will include your hotel confirmation number.

Where do I pick up my badge and get updates on the meeting when I arrive?

Upon arriving at the program, you should visit the Sales Kickoff Registration desk located within the Hilton West Palm Beach to pick up your name badge and other important meeting information. You will be required to wear your Sales Kickoff name badge to all meetings, meals, and organized functions.

Will I need to provide a credit card at the hotel?

Yes. You will be required to provide a credit card upon hotel check-in to cover any incidental charges incurred during your stay. These charges include all non-program related expenses such as room service, restaurant charges, honor bar, telephone calls and laundry service. It is your responsibility to review your individual hotel bill and settle your incidental charges before checking out and departing the hotel.

Who do I contact with additional questions?

For questions regarding event logistics, please contact Brittany.Cannon@reversinglabs.com. For questions relating to content and participation expectations, please work with your manager directly.