Scalable File Analysis

High Volume and Large File Threat Detection at Speed and Scale

The Malware Visibility Gap

Enterprises are continually at risk due to the lack of visibility into and understanding of the millions of files and objects that move into and around their organization every day – from the endless influx of emails, to network file shares and cloud storage, to the increased adoption of third-party collaboration products. SOC teams remain at the mercy of their security tools, while the potential for dangerous malware to infiltrate the network has never been higher.

Illuminate Your File Security Visibility

Illuminate Your File Security Visibility

The sheer number and growing complexity of files and objects entering and traversing today’s enterprise networks have led to blind spots and detection gaps, allowing evasive malware to slip into the organization unseen.

RL delivers unmatched coverage with the ability to analyze over 4800 file types and unpack more than 400 file archive formats, without the file size limitations characteristic in alternative solutions. This is complemented by out-of-the-box integrations that automatically ingest and analyze millions of objects at speed and scale from various sources, including email, cloud storage, network shares, collaboration tools, and more.

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Find Malware Bypassing Your Security Perimeter

Find Malware Bypassing Your Security Perimeter

Adversaries constantly develop new and sophisticated techniques to deliver malware that evades detection. Existing security tools like EDR/EPP, email security, and sandboxes lack the depth and scale to process and fully analyze increasingly complex files and objects where advanced malware hides.

RL’s proprietary, AI-driven, complex binary analysis completely deconstructs files and objects down to their base elements to detect embedded threats in real-time. Our unique analysis technology recursively unpacks objects, extracts all file metadata, and correlates it against billions of malware and goodware samples in our threat reputation repository. The combination of RL’s proprietary analysis engine and authoritative reputation data corpus means threats cannot hide.

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Seamlessly Scale Without Impacting Operations

Seamlessly Scale Without Impacting Operations

Most tools can’t successfully scale to meet the file scanning demands of the modern enterprise. The ever-increasing amount of files requiring analysis can slow security operations to a halt. Workflows become bottlenecked, security processes breakdown, and under-staffed SOC teams quickly become overwhelmed, ultimately resulting in increased threat exposure and greater risks to the business.

RL enables enterprises to systematically assess millions of files without performance implications. Our proprietary, highly scalable, high-throughput processing engine fully dissects and scrutinizes all files and objects, without having to execute them, to deliver decisive threat classification and verified intelligence in real time. This high-fidelity threat intelligence can be seamlessly integrated into existing security tools and automated workflows through RL’s extensive API and out-of-the-box integrations.

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