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RL Blog

RL @ Black Hat: Here’s what to expect

ReversingLabs is returning to Las Vegas for the annual Black Hat USA conference. We’ve got a lot in store for the show, and you can find all of the details below.

Dan Petrillo
Blog Author

Dan Petrillo, VP of Product Marketing.

BlackHat-2024-boothAs a 15-year-old company, ReversingLabs has made the trip to Las Vegas for Black Hat USA many times. Considering that Black Hat is one of the biggest and most important cybersecurity shows in North America, RL is always excited to attend and converse with all kinds of practitioners who want to make their organizations more secure. Equally exciting is the ability for our team to showcase the mature toolstack RL has been developing to perfection over the past decade. 

Here's everything you need to know about RL’s plans for Black Hat 2024 (Booth #2660): The solutions we’ll be showcasing, the insightful presentations we have lined up at the booth — plus the goodies on offer. 

[ See our event page — and register to meet with us: RL @ Black Hat 2024 ]

You get a demo, and you get a demo!

In case you didn’t already know, RL is the trusted name in file and software security, offering four mature security products that account for software supply chain security, file security, and security operations (SecOps). All are powered by RL Spectra Core, a technological powerhouse built with the largest private repository of threat intel in the world, and AI-driven complex binary analysis.

If you stop by RL’s booth you’ll be able to chat with one of our experts, in-real time on the expo floor, about our complete security tool stack: 

RL Spectra Assure for Software Supply Chain Security

Spectra Assure is the complete approach to software supply chain security, serving both producers and buyers of commercial software. Via Spectra Assure’s SAFE Report, practitioners have access to a comprehensive and secure assessment of any software product that goes beyond what’s offered in a standard software bill of materials (SBOM). 

Spectra Detect for Malware Detection

Spectra Detect is the only malware detection solution that can process millions of files at speed per day. Not only is it able to ingest files and other objects at massive scale, but it’s also able to perform deep security inspection in seconds. Spectra Detect also integrates easily with other enterprise platforms, making the work of security teams more seamless. 

Spectra Analyze for Malware Analysis

Spectra Analyze drives efficiency and efficacy within security operation centers (SOCs). It finds evasive malware threats fast, reduces false positives and negatives, and fosters speedy alert triage and response. 

Spectra Intelligence for Reputation Data and Intelligence

Spectra Intelligence serves as the most comprehensive source for reputation data and intelligence. It gives practitioners speedy answers from RL’s private threat repository, performs high-speed look-ups and advanced searches, and enriches existing enterprise security tools with high-fidelity intelligence. 

To see how these solutions can aid your enterprise, book time with RL — or stop by booth #2660.   

Presentations you don’t want to miss

In addition to offering ‘round-the-clock demos of RL’s solutions, our experts will be giving insightful and engaging presentations throughout both days of the show on key topics relevant to software supply chain security and threat intelligence. You can catch all of these talks and more at Black Hat booth #2660:


Calling all bookworms!

Just like most practitioners heading to Black Hat, the RL team can’t get enough of the books out there that speak to key areas in cybersecurity. That’s why we’ve made sure to highlight (and give away) two great books at this year’s show that speak to both software supply chain security and threat intelligence. 

RL Book Club: The Art of Mac Malware by Patrick Wardle

August 7th from 2-3pm at booth #2660

Patrick Wardle, the CEO/co-founder of Double You and the founder of the Objective-See Foundation, is joining the RL team at Black Hat for a presentation on his essential book: The Art of Mac Malware. Wardle is a renowned macOS security expert and an accomplished speaker who has presented at security conferences all over the world. He’s even speaking at Black Hat this year in his session: The Hidden Treasure of Crash Reports? 

The first 100 people to attend the RL Book Club presentation at booth #2660 will be able to partake in a live Q&A with Wardle, and will be offered a free, signed copy of his book. 

Get your copy: 'Software Supply Chain Security for Dummies'

RL just released its new guide, Software Supply Chain Security for Dummies. In the wake of dramatically increasing software supply chain attacks and complicated threats, RL created a step-by-step guide that makes it simple for CISOs and other leaders to shore up their organizations’ software supply chain security. 

Stop by booth #2660 to chat with our team about Software Supply Chain for Dummies, and all things software supply chain security and threat intelligence.

Explore RL's Spectra suite: Spectra Assure for software supply chain security, Spectra Detect for scalable file analysis, Spectra Analyze for malware analysis and threat hunting, and Spectra Intelligence for reputation data and intelligence.

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